Strategy tells you where to go.
Communication inspires people to go there with you.
It’s the only thing that ever does,
and the reason we enjoy working closely with public and private organisations in the field of
heritage and cultural tourism on optimising their communication.
Whatever their ambition – building strong brands, developing visitor and resident experiences, improving stakeholder
engagement and alignment, reputation or crisis management – communication is at the heart of it.
Insight into what makes communication successful is indispensable.
We specialise in narrative communication and storytelling and assist in developing a solid strategic narrative
and in bringing clarity and coherence to communication, concept and content development.
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We love sharing knowledge and experience
and learning from colleagues, customers and their employees or students.
We look back with great pleasure on presentations, capacity building programmes and projects undertaken
in more than 30 countries and look forward to working with you on positive change.
A few examples:

Tourism Marketing and Communication Course.
Guest lecturing at GUtech, the German University of Technology in Oman’s
Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Logistics, Tourism and Service Management.
Masqat, Oman, November 2019.
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"Travel To Yourself"
“Matka Itseen – Webinaari Modernista Pyhiinvaelluksesta”
Webinar on modern pilgrimage
Business Finland / Visit Finland
Speaking about Slow Travel and the Heritage & Slow TourismLAB. May 2021.
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UNWTO Academy & Croatia
Teaching the “UNWTO Course on on Strategy
& Planning for Tourism MSMEs”, delivered in the framework of the EBRD Programme for facilitating Tourism recovery in aftermath
of COVID-19 for the Ministry of Tourism and Sport of Croatia. April 2022.
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We research and report, advise and strategise, lecture and learn,
and assist in developing meaningful and memorable story-based experiences.
We look back on an intensive but also enjoyable period in which a lot of knowledge and inspiration was gathered and shared. Thanks for the good cooperation. We hope to use the expertise of the agency again in the near future.
Marc Kocken | Province of Zeeland | Heritage Zeeland | About the 2022-2023 Zeeland heritage lines research and story-based visitor experience development project.
As tourism begins to gradually return to parts of the world, it is important to reflect on what that tourism will look like and how it will impact travelers and destinations. Slow tourism is one of those unique approaches that emphasizes experiences and benefits to local communities, particularly in rural areas. The program that Karin Elgin Nijhuis and her colleagues have put together over the past year, with more labs to come, provides an exceptional overview and discourse on how to support and promote this unique, sustainable form of tourism.
Fergus MacLaren | MAC DUFF Tourism Heritage Planning | President ICOMOS ICTC | About the 2020-2021 HTHIC Heritage & Slow TourismLAB
The participation of Ms. Elgin–Nijhuis was of great importance for this event given her advanced facilitation and presentation skills, her ability to create a welcoming and engaging environment and lead group
activities as well as her knowledge on the matter transmitted and made available to participants during the
whole event.
Omar Valdez | Executive Director | About the 2022 UNWTO Academy Course on Strategy
& Planning for Tourism MSMEs.
Elgin & Co. © 2025 | All rights reserved