Tourism StoryLAB ®
researching and applying the power of storyHeritage, Tourism and Storytelling
Date: 3 November 2018
Place: Middelburg, The Netherlands
Event: Annual Contact Day ICOMOS Netherlands and ICOMOS Flanders-Brussels themed Heritage, Tourism and Storytelling and
co-organised by Marc Kocken and Karin Elgin-Nijhuis
Peter Debrine | Senior Project Officer UNESCO Paris, France
Marc Kocken | Head of sector Heritage and Community Engagement, SCEZ, Netherlands
Willem Derde | Voorzitter Het Erfgoedbureau vzw, Belgium
Jurriaan de Mol | Director Business Development & Operations, NBTC Holland Marketing, Netherlands
Elke Dens | Director Marketing, Visit Flanders, Belgium
Daniëlle Slock | Project manager Geopark Scheldedelta Provincie Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Ben de Reu | Deputy Culture Province of Zeeland, Netherlands
Karin Elgin-Nijhuis | Elgin & Co. , Tourism StoryLAB, Netherlands